Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $40.00
(15 Jahre und jünger)
Andere Kosten angle-down

Ages 0-4 years are free.

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

This is a private owned and operated park and you must go to the office when you get here. It is not a public funded park and you must pay visitor fees.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

If you have booked online and we need to cancel your trip, you can choose to reschedule to another time, take a gift voucher so you can rebook later or refund. If you cancel, change or don't show up. Up to 72 hours out from tour time you get a full refund or reschedule. Email us. Up to 24 hours out 50% refund or free full reschedule. Email us. Within 24 hours No refund however we could reschedule to a later time if possible. Phone us on +64 9 430 2722 to reschedule.

Über uns

Have an authentic experience in the natural beauty of the underworld where the glow worms shine. Learn all about them, the cave and the formations as your guide leads you with torch in hand, through this private cave in small groups. Look all around as you slowly walk along a formed path to the chandelier chamber filled with delicate hanging stalactites and see the bones of ancient birds, including the moa. Suitable for all ages on an easy access path. Booking online is best but you can also take a chance and just show up for one of several tours each day. The Milky Way Glow Worm Cave is at Waipu Caves Farm Park, a 320 acre privately owned park for tourism, adventures, outdoor education and camping in tents and motorhomes.


Open from 8.30am
All months of the year


567 Waipu Caves Road, Waipu, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
2 hours from Auckland International Airport. Closest glow worms caves to the Airport and Auckland.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
10km to Waipu and Ruakaka. 30km to Whangarei.

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