Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $149.00 - $209.00
Altersbeschränkung angle-down


Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

For bookings cancelled more than 1 month prior to the departure time or Pōwhiri booking there will be a 15% charge of total booking or Pōwhiri. For bookings cancelled from 14 days and up to 1 month prior to the departure time or Pōwhiri booking there will be a 50% charge. For bookings cancelled from 7 days and up to 14 days prior to the departure time or Pōwhiri time there will be a 75% charge. For bookings cancelled within 7 days prior you will be charged the full cost.

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 352 Bewertungen

Über uns

The Wine tour & Māori Culture is the only wine tour in Wanaka and Queenstown that connects Māori culture and history with the local wines and land where you receive the authentic New Zealand experience including a live Haka experience. You will visit 3 incredible Central Otago wineries in this tour in Wanaka or Queenstown and while experiencing the beautiful Central Otago Wines learn more about the Southern Māori footprint and tikanga/protocol of what makes the Māori culture one of the most powerful cultures in the world. We will also discuss immersion of the Gold Rush to the region in the 1860/70's.
Included in this are transfers from your Wanaka or Queenstown accommodation, all the wine tastings with approximately 18-22 a cheese platter.


All months of the year


103 Ardmore Street, Wānaka Town, New Zealand.

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TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 352 Bewertungen

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