Preise und Bedingungen

Erwachsener $40.00
(11 Jahre und jünger)
Andere Kosten angle-down

Youth 12 - 16 years $20.00

Bedingungen und Konditionen angle-down

Trip times November through to April: 11:00am 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00pm. New Zealand Public and School Holidays: 11:00am 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00pm. Adults $ 40. Youth 12 - 16 years $20. Children under 12 years travel free if accompanied by family. ( conditions apply). Bookings are recommended.

Stornierungsbedingungen angle-down

Please call us on +64 21 605 965 internationally or 021 605 965 from New Zealand mobile or landline. We have updates on our cruises everyday on these same phone numbers. Full refund if we do not depart.

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 158 Bewertungen

Über uns

Stay on board or choose to stop at Matakana Island. You are picked up anytime on the same day at no extra cost. Spend an hour or a day on this beautiful island. This is an idyllic beach visit. Beautiful beach walks, fishing, swimming and picnics are popular. Scenic features of our cruise include the Statue of Tangaroa, a diversity of landscapes from untouched white sandy beaches, lush green forests, islands and small village settlements, contrasted by the massive highly developed port infrastructure. Occasionally you may see some seasonal wildlife on your cruise like blue penguins, sea birds or New Zealand fur seals.


Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


Pilot Quay, Pilot Bay, Tauranga, New Zealand.

plane Nähe zum Flughafen:
10 min drive from Tauranga Airport. 45min drive from Rotorua Airport. 2.5 hr drive from Auckland International Airport.
bus Nähe zum Busbahnhof
The buses arrive in Mount Maunganui at various stops, please call us for directions.
decisions Nähe zur Stadt:
10min walk from Mount Maunganui. 10min drive from Tauranga city.

Nach Angeboten suchen

TripAdvisor Bewertung von Reisenden
TripAdvisor rating 158 Bewertungen

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