Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $300.00 - $500.00 |
83 Mt Eden Road, Auckland Central, New Zealand.
Southern Cross Coachlines provides 25 seats coaches , 12 seat and 7 seats of mini van for small groups with a customized itinerary and a guide. Multi-day tour organizer, which locations covers all of New Zealand, Northern and Southern Island.
Southern Cross Coachlines provides 25 seats coaches , 12 seat and 7 seats of mini van for small groups with a customized itinerary and a guide. Multi-day tour organizer, which locations covers all of New Zealand, Northern and Southern Island.
Erwachsener | $300.00 - $500.00 |
Southern Cross Coachlines LTD an endorsed visitor service based in Auckland.
Southern Cross Coachlines LTD customized itinerary for small to mid size business delegations, international tourists groups and families.
It is also a very friendly and professional transport services, which company owns 25 seats coaches , 12 seats and 7 seats mini van and provide qualified public passenger endorsed driver and very experienced guide to ensure all of single customers 's preference been met during all of their journey.
83 Mt Eden Road, Auckland Central, New Zealand.
Verfasst | Gesprochen | |
Chinese (Simplified) | JA | JA |
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