Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $100.00 - $270.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$60.00 - $270.00 |
Daily Fishing Trips. We offer day trips or 12 and 24 hour trips, we can supply all you need and we work all year round from Tauranga in the beautiful Bay of Plenty.
Daily Fishing Trips. We offer day trips or 12 and 24 hour trips, we can supply all you need and we work all year round from Tauranga in the beautiful Bay of Plenty.
Erwachsener | $100.00 - $270.00 |
Kind (15 Jahre und jünger) |
$60.00 - $270.00 |
For an extra $40, we'll supply your rod, reel, all your tackle and bait for the day.
Cancellation within 48 hours of departure is 100% forfeiture of deposit.
We will take you to the best fishing grounds at the time. Anywhere between Mayor Island, Motiti Island and the Mount. Its our mission to find you the best fish for you to catch. The MV Manutere has plenty of deck space, toilet, electronic gear and fish finders. Brett's reputation as the most helpful skipper is widely known.
We specialise in fishing, at affordable prices. We can also pick you up from Salisbury Wharf at Mount Maunganui. Hire your fishing gear from us too if you dont have any with you, or bring your own. There is loads of free secure parking at the marina so its the best place to board to boat.
Tauranga Bridge Marina, 101 Te Awanui Drive, Harbour Bridge Causeway, Matapihi, Tauranga, Tauranga, New Zealand.
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