Preise und Bedingungen
Erwachsener | $445.00 |
Kind (12 Jahre und jünger) |
$125.00 |
364 Shoal Bay Road, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand.
Fascinating history trek, taking you to historic sites of the timber trade, mining and whaling in Whangaparapara. Discover remnants of these trades in the forest. With a cup of tea on board his houseboat, hear tales from local historian Tony.
Fascinating history trek, taking you to historic sites of the timber trade, mining and whaling in Whangaparapara. Discover remnants of these trades in the forest. With a cup of tea on board his houseboat, hear tales from local historian Tony.
Erwachsener | $445.00 |
Kind (12 Jahre und jünger) |
$125.00 |
Rates are for minimum group size, two adults
Whangaparapara has a fascinating timber trade, mining and whaling history. Discover the historic site of the Kauri Timber Company sawmill. The sawmill once processed logs rafted by sea from Coromandel and as far as Northland.
The first part of this trek takes you along a tramline track, used to extract timber from local forests to be taken to Auckland to be milled.
After a catered lunch, the second part of the trek takes you on to the remains of the whaling station at Whangaparapara. Locals Tony and Carol Litherland live aboard a homebuilt houseboat, moored off the site of the whaling station. Tony is a wealth of information on local history. Over a cup of tea on board, hear some of their intriguing tales on life and history in the area.
364 Shoal Bay Road, Great Barrier Island, New Zealand.
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